
本館由已故袁炎強師傅所創立,自1999年至今已踏入第十六個年頭了。 袁炎強師傅是在1973年,跟隨葉問師傅的六大徒弟之一的黃淳樑師傅習武,是黃淳樑師傅的四大徒弟之一。 因是黃師傅的愛徒,深得黃師傅的真傳,除了拳法外,還傳授了兵器中的:八斬刀及六點半棍法。 隨後還在館內一直協助黃師傅擔任助教一職。在這期間黃師傅已親自提筆為袁師 傅提:「袁炎強詠春國術會」,作為日後袁師傅開館把詠春發揚光大。

袁炎強師傅熱愛運動和武術,不但詠春,亦是空手道剛柔流黑帶,也是一位馬拉松跑手。早在1977年曾代表黃淳樑師傅到日本參加散手賽,成績彪炳。其兒子袁偉明師傅亦從少即(1984)年, 已拜黃淳樑師公為師。當時跟袁炎強師傅雖為父子,同時也是同們師兄弟,因而互有切磋較量,深得拳、刀、棍、樁的精髓。
徐了學習詠春外,早在1989年,由本館會長高仲樑先生引薦下跟隨陳德興師傅研習泰拳。 早在本館之初便協助其父親擔任教練,授拳及實戰搏擊經驗豐富。
在1998年,袁偉明師傅當時已有豐富的泰拳搏擊經驗,便代表其父親袁炎強出外參加搏撃比賽,成績優異。 及後袁偉明師傅培訓多位師兄弟代表本館出戰散打拳賽。成績優異。

在本館創辦人袁炎強師傅悉心 栽培下,袁偉明師傅不斷跟隨其父親深造詠春拳學,更鑽研學習兵器,八斬刀和六點半棍法。袁偉明師傅對一招一式均要求甚高。他明白學習兵器比拳學更加需 要努力和勤力。所以每天勤奮練習,因而基礎根底雄厚。
自2010年袁炎強師傅因病仙遊,袁偉明師傅便成繼拳館,擔任總教頭一職,繼續傳掦詠春。與此同時積極參與不少公益事務。除了在老人院開班教授長者外,還在2012-2013年連續兩年均擔任 YMCA (顯徑分社)的暑期開幕禮的團體表演項目。

衆所周知,詠春是由五枚師太所創立,傳授第一代弟子嚴詠春,因而命名為詠春。其後再輾轉傳至佛山名醫梁贊,後來再傳予陳華順,他就是葉問的師傅。葉問學有所成後來到香港,把詠春發揚光大, 徒李滿門。其中黃淳樑師公更是首批徒弟以自己的名字開館授徒。
黃系詠春是實戰搏擊派的功夫,袁偉明師傅盡得其父親和黃師公,詠春及刀、棍的真傳,以三十多年的教授詠春功夫的經驗。能以獨當一面接管「袁炎強詠春國術會」,將黃系詠春真正的實戰能力發揚光大。 此外,袁偉明師傅堪稱是,八斬刀和六點半棍,此兵器有透徹應用經驗,是少有真正承傳當年黃師公傳下的少數懂得使用兵器的高手。
在2014年,黃淳樑同學會,在港正式成立。來自世界各地的徒兒徒孫。 聚首一堂。袁偉明師傅被邀請出席為其中一位代表,演講其中一環節,細説當年其父及師公和其他門派切磋武術的種種先為人知的逸事等等。 除此之外,還示範詠春拳法有何不同的對打,大家也即塲練習和向袁師傅查詢,塲面非常熱鬧。

現今香港人營營役役,工作十分忙碌,精神壓力大,長時間在室內對着電腦工作。引致肩、頸、背、坐姿等問題,有著不同程度的疲憊和勞損。我們有沒有為自己想過要騰出一些空閒時間,譲自己的身體和心靈都有 放鬆的機會,以致能夠得着力量去過每一天呢!

現在袁偉明師傅以詠春拳為基礎,為大家設計出不同程度的訓練。由淺入深去認識詠春拳,目標是為大家改善肩、頸、背、坐姿等問題!同時也訓練一下大家的體力。讓大家可以精精神神地迎接每天工作上帶來的挑戰! 詠春是集運動、科學與力學於一身!每一招一式均可以科學角度羅輯性來解釋。要入門不難,要熟練運用得宜,只需要有耐性耐心地勤加練習!定必得著學有所成!

歡迎各政府團體及私人企業! 詳情請聯絡袁炎強詠春國術會負責人:陳小姐 待安排時間

The Yuen Yim Keung Ving Tsun Association was established by the grandmaster Tommy Yuen Yim Keung since 1999. The owner of this association - grandmaster Tommy Yuen Yim Keung, started ving tsun training under grandmaster Wong Shun Leung (nicknamed 'Gong Sau Wong', the King of Talking Hands) since 1973. Grandmaster Wong Shun Leung had a fearsome reputation as Grandmaster Yip Man’s best fighter, and Grandmaster Tommy Yuen was the most outstanding ving tsun fighter under Wong Shun Leung.
Grandmaster Yuen learnt and mastered from Wong the three forms of ving tsun (siu lim tao, chum kiu and biu zee), 116 drills of wooden dummy, gwoh sau (practical ving tsun combat) and the practical application of ving tsun weapons: the butterfly knives form (baat jam do) and six and a half point wooden pole form (luk dim boon gwan).
Grandmaster Yuen became one of the instructors under grandmaster Wong during the 90s; since Grandmaster wong passed away in 1997, Grandmaster Yuen was nominated to become the head coach representing the Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun fighting system, passing his wealth of experience to the next generation.

Grandmaster Yuen has great interest in sports as well as martial arts. He was a famous Ving Tsun master, a black belt karate fighter and also a marathon runner. During 1977 grandmaster Yuen joined the world’s martial arts tournament in Japan and achieved remarkable results.
Master Anthony Yuen Wai Ming, the eldest son of Grandmaster Yuen Yim Keung, started ving tsun training under grandmaster Wong since 1984. Under the influence from both Wong Shun Leung and his father, Master Anthony Yuen completed the ving tsun system learning the three empty hand forms, Pole and Wooden dummy forms as well as the highly sought after Butterfly knife form.
In 1989 with his ving tsun training completed, aiming to develop more experience in martial arts fighting, master Anthony Yuen began training in western boxing and Muay Thai under the guidance of master Tony Chan Tak Hing.
From 1998- 2001 master Anthony Yuen fought in Muay tai tournaments around Asia with great success. Today master Anthony Yuen teaches Ving Tsun and Muay Thai at Yuen Yim Keung Ving Tsun association established by his father. Drawing on his wealth of experience, master Anthony Yuen continues to preserve the name and methods of Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun passing them to a new generation of students with outstanding results.

Master Anthony Yuen has determined to become the next famous ving tsun master after grandmaster Yuen Yim Keung. Since the establishment of the Yuen Yim Keung Association, master yuen has been engaged into his father’s intensive ving tsun training on daily basis, with endless blood and sweat master Yuen had quickly mastered all ving tsun techniques included the practical use of ving tsun weapons.
Since grandmaster Tommy Yuen passed away in 2010, master Yuen had been nominated to become the head coach of the Yuen Yim Keung association, continuing the promotion and teaching of the Wong style ving tsun.
Master Yuen has great enthusiasm promoting ving tsun to local communities as well as undertaking voluntary martial arts performance. In 2007 Master Anthony Yuen accompanied his father Grandmaster Tommy to lead a ving tsun seminar in Germany; during the past 6 years he has taught ving tsun classes for elders in elderly homes and has engaged with the YMCA hong kong for leading group performance in ving tsun.
Today Master Yuen continues to preserve the name and methods of Wong Shun Leung Ving Tsun and skills in thai boxing, passing wealth of his fighting skills to a new generation and enter tournaments achieving outstanding results.

The most popular story of Ving Tsun’s origin is that this kung fu was formed by the Buddhist Nun, Ng Mui, named as her first student Yim Wing Chun who had mastered this unique fighting form. The lineage of Wing Chun continued as this kung fu was passed to a famous chinese herbal doctor, Leung Jan in Forshan, then consequently passed to Chan Wah Shun, who was a master of Yip Man. Yip Man had several students who later became famous martial art masters in their own right, they were Wong Shun Leung and Bruce Lee.
Master Yuen Wai Ming is currently one of the very few global leading experts on the practical application of butterfly knives and six and a half point wooden pole into weaponry combats under the form of Wong’s ving tsun system.
In 2014, Wong Shun Leung Students Association was formally established in Hong Kong which had attracted ving tsun masters and practitioners from over the world to attend this event. Master Anthony Yuen Wai Ming was invited as one of the honour speakers to talk about the unknown fighting story of grandmasters Wong Shun Leung and Tommy Yuen, this was followed by leading a section of ving tsun seminar.

In Hong Kong majority of people work long hours in the office, staying still constantly in sitting position for a long time. This increase the risk of causing muscle strain injuries in particular the spinal cord, neck and wrists, in which back pain is one of the most common work related injuries that could affect the daily performance of the employee. To prevent these health problems happening on individuals it is essential to spend time exercising as a habit of being healthy.
Master Anthony Yuen has designed a series of easy to learn ving tsun training that can effectively improve person’s health, as well as strengthening individual’s spine, neck and wrist, resulting to a better focus, health, physical performance, balance and mental relaxation.
Ving tsun is a unique martial art system that includes a mixture of sports, science and physics. Every drills and forms has essential reason behind during real life combat. This kung fu is easy to learn but however difficult to master and it is up to the candidate himself who has to be disciplined to practice this art.

We welcome enquiries for trial lessons, group class as well as personal training. Please contact Mrs Chan for further arrangements.